Saturday, October 06, 2012

Winter Vegetable Garden Plantings

Set 15, 2012
After digging 2 feet down and mixing 18 yards of compost in my 1000 square foot garden, I planted Armenian Cucumbers, Birdhouse Gourds, Watermelons Dwarf Bolero Marigolds.  It was too hot to plant much else after I prepared the soil and I wanted most of  the soil to rest for a while while I waited to plant the Winter Garden.
     In mid-August I began planing to get an early start for the winter crops.  However, I had to keep planting through September since if was such a hot September. Finally I began to see small seedlings  sprouting in early October.
Below are the Varieties:

Moringa Trees
Top Tall Early Wonder Beets
Detroit Dark Red, Morse's Strain Beets
Bulls Blood Beets
Large Ribbed Dark Green Swiss Chard
Early Snowball A Cauliflower
DiCicco Broccollii
Bloomsdale, long standing Spinach
Big Ruffle Spinach
Catskill Brussels Sprouts
Emerald Artichokes
Tokyo Long While Bunching Onions
Wando Peas
Snow Bird Peas
Oregon Sugar Pod Peas 2
French Breakfast Radishes
Easter Egg Radishes
Danvers half long Carrots
Atomic Carrots
Tasty Soft-Hearted Butterhead Lettuce
Black Simpson, Baijou, Cerize, New Red Fire, Pentared, Sioux Leaf Lettuce
Black Simpson Leaf Lettuce.

Saturday, September 08, 2012

Planted my Moringa trees today

I'm Singin in the rain... Just singin in the rain... What a glorious feelin' ... Plantin Moringas again, A tree I can eat, In a year grows 16 feet... I'm plantin and singin.. in the rain.                          


Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Links GMO and Organic Food Information

Link to sources for eating Heathy Foods

Stanford Univ. took their study off the web.  ???

This Kashi history was all over the Web, Here an example

The whole story regarding Kashi analysis

The genereal best source for food info

Here is a recent article in huffington post regarding GMO's

This is where I listen to free seminars about from time to time

I am testing this first postt of my blog.
Here is the garden after digging and adding 18 cubic yards of into a 1 1/2 feet depth late this spring.

I did alittle digging every day in my bare feet with only a shovel. The garden is now about 1200 square feet and I am planting a winter garden in the next two weeks. It is a side yard of my home.